heRobust performing.
The lineup this weekend is incredibly stacked at Beyond Wonderland Bay Area, and we've got tons more interviews coming to get you ready before you head down the rabbit hole again. Right now, let's take a look at heRobust, aka Hayden Kramer, one of the artists that will be performing on the Cheshire Woods stage this weekend. Kramer is in the studio right now, currently hard at work putting the finishing touches on his brand new EP, so he was kind enough to answer some questions for us via email. Check them out below as we talk about his new EP, the kind of show he'll be bringing to Beyond, and more.
You’re currently finishing up a new EP. How long has the process of writing the EP been going for you?
This EP is something I've been working on for about 6 months. In the beginning it was honestly difficult because I hadn't honed in on a direction. I was just inspired by so many things on the road, there was no continuity between the tunes I was making. It's hard to keep things you like from penetrating your creative process when you love it all. That can really result in a blurred perspective in your music. It wasn't until I got home and had a chance to tune everything out that this unique sound started to take shape. I've already begun playing some of them out and the reactions definitely confirm there's not much out there like it. :)
How has the process for writing this new EP stacked up in comparison to something like Screw Loose or Busted House?
The process is very different because the experience intended for the listener is very different. In short, those were for the couch. These are for the dancefloor. EP's like Screw loose were designed to be cerebral experiences - adventures. 2 minute spontaneous bridges with soundscapes for the listener to get lost in. In contrast, my newer music aims to dictate the flow of energy directly. I think the result will be something that is unanimously strange, but still brings everyone together on the dance floor.
You’re playing Beyond Wonderland this weekend, which should be a lot of fun. Like all festivals, fans are going to be having music thrown at them left and right. In your opinion, what do you think sets you apart from the other artists that will also be performing? Essentially, what do you think is going to make fans stop and say “guys, let’s hang here for an hour and check out this set?”
My fans.
I could tell you all about my DJ style, but the real answer is my fans. Im a low key person. I haven't built an internet celebrity situation where I can direct droves of people to my shows, but I still get the same huge crowds. So the answer is my fans. People who have been to my shows always come back to the next set bringing their whole group like "watch this". It just became a growing family. Everyone's a friend, or a friend of a friend who has seen me before and they've all heard this is the place to be. I've seen it build over the last couple of years and it's been amazing. Every artist has great fans obviously, but when they come together as a community you really have something special.
This is the last question, and I ask it to every artist that I interview in a way to close things out. It’s broad, but what does music mean to you?
In a weird way, music is like a drug. Creative inspiration is everything to me. If I am inspired by new music all around me, and making great tunes, I'm ecstatic. It affects my perception of everything else in my life. That's the high. On the other hand, if I've had writers block for a week and all the promos I'm getting sound terrible, it works the other way. For the sake of the analogy this would be like withdrawal symptoms from having no musical inspiration. So yeah, to me it's like a drug. A great one :)
Be sure to catch heRobust's set on the CHESHIRE WOODS STAGE at Beyond Wonderland THIS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 from 3PM to 4PM. For more information on the festival, visit www.beyondwonderland.com. For more information on heRobust, visit www.facebook.com/herobust
This has been another Shameless Promotion.