The Maine - Exclusive Interview

Today, Arizona-based rock band The Maine  released their new album "Forever Halloween". I had the chance to interview Kennedy Brock, the guitarist for the band about their new album. Check it out below.

1) For those reading at home, what is your name and position in the band?

Kennedy Brock - guitar/vocals

2) You guys did a lot of touring in support of 2011’s “Pioneer”. How soon after releasing “Pioneer” did you begin writing material for “Forever Halloween”?

John is always working on little ideas. Sometimes we work on them on the road, but we didn't really get working until about 6 months before we recorded. In total we probably spent about 3-4 months writing. 

3) What was the mindset this time around when you went into writing “Halloween”?

We wanted to write a rock record. So, we decided that the best way to do that was to record live and to tape. The record just had to feel human.

4) When and where was the album recorded? How long did the process take approximately?

The album was recorded in Nashville, during January and February of this year. It took about a month, when it was all said and done.

5) One of the things that I truly admire about the music your band releases is that you never put out the same stuff twice. Every release is different from the last. What kind of musical inspiration did you have throughout the writing process of “Halloween”?

There's always a variety of music playing during the recording process, but it's hard to say. I was listening to a lot of Pavement. I think we all were, but no one would other than us would recognize that.

6) You guys released “Happy” as your first single. In terms of the lyrics, what was the particular inspiration behind this song?

I can't say, unfortunately, because John wrote the lyrics. It's personal though, not really a metaphor.

7) One of the lyrics in the song, “ I don’t think I’m capable of this teenage, televised taping of love”. What is that lyric referring to specifically?

I think he is implying that he doesn't see himself in a fairy tale love story that  is portrayed in the movies and other teenage media outlets.

8) Where does the album title “Forever Halloween” come from?

It came from a conversation we had about 6 months ago, or maybe more. It has to do with the "costumes" we wear to be who we are, or to be something else.

9) You guys have a headlining tour coming up with A Rocket To The Moon, This Century, and Brighten, a truly spectacular lineup. How do you think that this tour will be different than any of your previous tours, other than performing new material? What can fans expect in terms of your live show?

We have had a lot of time to work on songs, so there will be lots of new twists on songs that we have played in the past. Overall the set on this tour is going to be really upbeat and will hardly stop for a second.

10)I ask this question to every artist because I always get a variety of answers: what kind of message would you like fans to walk away with after listening to your music?

I think it varies from song to song. I'd like our fans to take something, I'm not picky on what that is. Everybody experiences life differently. It would be awesome to know that we affected someone's life in anyway, especially positively.

11)Last question: other than the 8123 tour, what other future plans does The Maine have?

We just released a new music video with the release of the album! I'm sure that the near future is going to be full of touring around the world. I can't say what at the moment, but don't expect us to relax anytime soon! 

12)Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview! 

Thank you! Happy to do so! 

The Maine's new album "Forever Halloween" is now available.  


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