Mumford & Sons - Concert Feature


Mumford & Sons 
Thursday, May 30, 2013
The Greek Theater
Berkeley, California

There’s something mystifying about acoustic folk music. I’m not sure what it is. But it’s been packing arenas and amphitheaters for years, still going strong to this day.

You know your band is big when you can sell out the Greek Theater in Berkeley, California months in advance. But to sell it out for THREE nights in less than a few minutes means that your band is something special. Mumford & Sons proved just that this past weekend when their tour made a three-day, completely sold-out stop at the Greek.

The show started off rather slow, at least in my opinion. Nonetheless, the crowd roared with applause as Marcus Mumford (lead vocals), Ben Lovett (keyboards), Winston Marshall (banjo), and Ted Dwane (stand-up bass) took the stage. But it was around the third or fourth song that things really started to pick up.

Mumford’s acoustic guitar slowly begins to build up. Suddenly, he strikes a chord. The band follows suit on their instruments; their timing and solidarity is impeccable. The stage lights pan out across a cheering crowd like beacons.

And then, it hits you. Remember all of that bullshit you were just thinking about? That schoolwork you have due in two days, the family problems you’re dealing with, the relationships you’re struggling to hold together? It’s gone. It disappears. Even if it’s only for the next two hours, those thoughts and everyday stresses become lost in the music that pours out of the numerous instruments and harmonizing vocals Mumford & Sons present to you, the audience member. This performance reminded me why live music is so special, and how it has the ability and power to do what I just described. 

If you ever get a chance in your life to see Mumford & Sons, take it. It’s an incredible experience. While the show is low on any kind of flashy stage theatrics, the group proves they really don’t need any for the kind of performance they are putting on for their audience. The musicianship between Marcus Mumford & co. is astounding, and quite easily the most awe-inspiring part of their performance.

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