Ian Fisher Releases New Single, "The Face of Losing"

Ian Fisher Releases New Single, "The Face of Losing"

Ian Fisher has released a brand new song entitled “The Face of Losing” which channels the grief he experienced when losing his mother last year. You can hear the acoustic-driven song in its entirety below.

In a press release announcing the song, Fisher stated the following:

“My mom passed away in the spring of 2023. It took me ‘til the summer before I could start writing about it. To be honest, I didn’t really want to or intend to write about it. I had been back in Missouri to visit her the last week she was alive, but I couldn’t get away from Europe, where I had been living, until three months later.”

“In the immediate aftermath of my mom’s death, I remember feeling like a planet had been removed from the solar system. Everything looked the same, but gravity was different. The orbital pull of things had been altered.”

“Death is something that we conveniently shove to the side and don't address very often. It can be unhealthy because it creates a situation where we think we'll live forever. But everyone we know and have around us is going to die eventually. It’s a miracle that we even have this moment right now.”

You can check out the full song below.

Main Photo Credit: Talitha-Lahme

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