This Century - Exclusive Interview

Phoenix, AZ - ​I had the opportunity to speak with Sean Silverman, guitarist for Phoenix-based pop-rock artists This Century. ​Check out this exclusive interview regarding their new album "Biography of Heartbreak" (in stores now!), their upcoming 8123 Tour (with The Maine, A Rocket To The Moon, and Brighten), and more.

1) For those reading at home, what’s your name and your position in the band?

My name is Sean and I play guitar for This Century.

2) How soon after the release of “Sound of Fire” did you begin writing “Biography of Heartbreak”?

The process began almost immediately afterwards. It's almost as though SOF had inspired us so much to kind of understand the process of putting together songs that we now had this road map that we didn't have before.

3) Where and when was “Biography’ recorded? Approximately how long did the recording process for this album take?

The process started back in February of 2012. We began working through rough ideas with our producer Colby Wedgeworth at his studio in Sacramento. We did the record over 3 phases and it happened over the course of about 9 months.

4) The title of this record obviously alludes to the idea that the record deals with heartbreak. Was there any specific person that inspired the songs on this record? Or for that matter, the title (if you can talk about it)?

Joel and I at the time were just getting out of serious relationships simultaneously and that definitely had a large impact on the way the album was shaped.

5) Are there any specific themes that are present throughout “Biography”?

There's songs dealing with the loss of a loved one (footsteps) and many songs about the wave of emotions you go through while coming in and out of relationships.

6) How would you say the material on “Biography” differs from a release like “Sound of Fire” or even the “To Love and Back EP”?

For me personally this record feels like more of a complete vision. This is not to say that we aren't incredibly proud of our previous releases but this one felt as though we were able to get everything we wanted off of our chests. 

7) You guys released the song “Skeletons” as your single for this record. It’s a

very peaceful-sounding song, in my opinion. What was the inspiration behind that song, in terms of both the style of music and the lyrics?

The song was about getting over the problems of your past, shedding your skin and moving on...we wanted something that felt upbeat to contrast the heavier message.

8) In terms of the instruments used, what kind of gear did you guys use when recording the record? (types of guitar, amps, drums, etc.)

Lots and lots and lots of synths...we got pretty heavily into the electronic world. It just seemed to be something that really inspired us. Lots of analog beat machine sounds and trying our best to be humans mimicking robots and not the other way around.

9) You’ve got the 8123 Tour with The Maine, A Rocket To The Moon, and Brighten, a truly spectacular lineup. How would you say that this tour would be different from any other tour you’ve done in the past? What can fans expect from your live show on this tour?

Well it's a tour we'd been hoping to do for a really long time and you just couldnt ask for a better scenario, touring with your close friends around the country. Lots of surprises planned for the summer!

10) What kind of message would you like fans to walk away with after listening to your music?

 We want to provide that beautiful escapism..something that transports you to a place a positivity

11) Last question: other than the 8123 Tour, what else does the future hold for This Century? (any other tours, music videos, etc.?)

We plan on touring extensively throughout 2013-2014 and plenty of music videos up ahead on the horizon! 

12)Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview!

Thank you for the interview! We really appreciate it!

'Biography of Heartbreak', the new album from This Century, is in stores now. Check out the band on Facebook at, and follow them on Twitter @ThisCentury for more information on their music and upcoming tours.

Biography of Heartbreak - This Century

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