Hey everyone! Hope you are all enjoying the site!
I just wanted to make a quick post about Shameless Promotions posting news stories. Our main focus has always been to provide you with the best interviews, photos, and album features possible. We love to talk about new things going on in the world of music, movies, television and more.
Sometimes though, it's very hard to keep up and post all of the individual news stories. I am currently running this website by myself, self-funding, and posting nearly all of these stories all on my own. I have had a little bit of help in the past on an album review and some photos (thank you to Sarah Helwig for the I The Mighty write-up and Portugal. The Man photos!), but other than that, this is all me.
I'll try and post as many news stories as I possibly can, but you'll get more out of the interviews, photos, show write-ups, and album reviews/write-ups that Shameless posts than the news stories. When the staff grows, we'll be sure to do much more news stories! But for right now, enjoy the site as it is.
Stay tuned for a lot more awesome stuff from Shameless!
Kind regards,