Episode 041 - Robby Bancroft of Bay Area Bandstand

The longest episode we've done to date! Clocking in at almost two hours, I sat down and had a chat with a longtime friend, Mr. Robby Bancroft. I previously knew Robby from his time in a band called Five Characters In Search of An Exit. We sat down in his hometown of Pacifica and chatted for awhile about life, why online dating is pretty much fucked, what we've each been up to since our teenage years in the Bay Area music scene, breaking out in the industry, and a LOT more. So much fun recording this one. Follow him on Twitter at @therealrobbyb! 



 Follow him on Twitter at @therealrobbyb! 

This has been another Shameless Promotion. 

Episode 042 - Alteras

Episode 040 - Mike Protich of Red Sun Rising