Lately, I’ve been getting extremely into EDM music. But I’m also extremely into hardcore, heavy music. So when this album came across my desk, I was pleasantly surprised to hear an artist finally doing it right.
I had heard Abandon All Ships first album a few years ago, Geeving, and I thought it was okay. I’m really happy to hear, this time around, that the vocals are not hiding behind slathered auto-tune laden choruses.
Abandon All Ships are back with their third record, entitled Malocchio, a version of controlled chaos that mixes pop vocals, guttural screams, and rave-inducing electronic breakdowns. Song titles like “Centipede”, “Reefer Madness” and “Cowboys” add to the fun aspect of this album (expect to hear the song “Alive” played at the next Ultra Music Festival).
There really isn’t anything new here, that is true; tons of bands are trying to create (some more successfully than others) this kind of metal-meets-electronic sound. But it’s been nice to hear something after months of listening to bands trying to rip off this sound that’s actually fun to listen to.
Somewhere, a metalcore dude wearing a Motionless In White t-shirt is dating a beautiful rave girl, and they have finally found a record that they can listen to together.
This has been another shameless promotion.